Saturday, September 4, 2010

NBA wins regional backing

The Australian,Wendsday,25/08/2012  p21
* NBN more benifitial to regional students
* wirless not good on health
* fibre increases amazingly
* NBN improve education
* tax counteract expenditure
* Universities support NBN
* students need NBN

NBN plans to upgrade broadband which is more benifitial to regional students.
Otherwise, wrieless solutions are not good on health as well as fibre could be increased amazingly according to Dr Culter.
NBN have been making education productivity better by high-quality videoconferencing.
Expenditure would be counteracted by tax.
Universities professers support NBN to stretch high-speed, high -quality of broadband to help students learning.
Graham said that students need better and more reliable  bandwidth for study, .

Personal reflections
I think we should fully use the available technology to support our study, but also have to consider its effect on our health.


  1. Peili, i think you should check your spelling carefully next time. no offense
